We offer bespoke 12 session programmes for students, tailored to meet your requirements and to help you achieve your aims.

Our programmes are the result of 20 years of experience as an Educator, Coach and Positive Psychology Practitioner. The combination of these approaches has produced results because we focus on the individual, and on developing a plan to match that individual’s needs and potential. The Positive Achievement Cycle © informs the shape that our programmes take. We only use approaches that have been rigorously tested and reported in peer-reviewed journals. Our programmes have a proven track record of success with a range of students including those with aspirations of studying at the world’s top universities.

All our sessions are conducted in the student’s home or online. Encouraging the student to feel at ease in a familiar environment helps facilitate growth.

The Positive Achievement Cycle ©

The Positive Achievement Cycle ©

I have been accepted on to a Maths degree at Cambridge and am looking forward to starting in September. I was really worried during Yr12 and losing time due to Covid made me even more stressed. I am now calmer and my results are improving because I am not anxious all the time.
— Year 13 student